During Catholic Schools Week families, parishes and schools are invited to participate in a week of celebration of Catholic schools reflecting on their contribution to the common good of society.
Please find below a link to the resources:
During Catholic Schools Week families, parishes and schools are invited to participate in a week of celebration of Catholic schools reflecting on their contribution to the common good of society.
Please find below a link to the resources:
Credible Catholic is a Religious Education programme made available by the Council for Catechetics of the Irish Episcopal Conference . The programme aims to stimulate dialogue, encourage reflection and critical reasoning, foster religious literacy, build community, and nurture faith, and in doing all of these things, to promote student well being. It is an optional resource which will be very helpful to teachers of Religious Education. It has been re-developed for the Irish context, in line with feedback from RE teachers and theological advisors in Ireland. See the link below:
You are invited to read this paper which articulates the future vision of Catholic Education,
its ethos, and values.
The Catholic school sector is an exemplar of service delivery which continues to address the key
educational challenges of our time and improve outcomes for children and young people. We
believe that we have much to contribute to the creation of a high-achieving, inclusive education
system in Northern Ireland that cherishes diversity.
Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated in schools across the island of Ireland from Sunday 23 January – Sunday 30 January. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2022 is ‘Catholic Schools: Living Life to the Full’.
During Catholic Schools Week families, parishes and schools are invited to participate in a week of celebration of Catholic schools reflecting on their contribution to the common good of society.
Please find below a link to the resources:
In St. Columba’s Primary School, ‘Catholic Schools Week’ is a pivotal moment in our School’s calendar. We look forward to this week and celebrating all that is good about our Catholic School.
On 23rd January, representatives from Year 7 travelled to St. Eugene’s Cathedral in Derry to celebrate Mass.
During the week junior students received certificates for their acts of kindness. The girls were encouraged to live in harmony with God’s creation by doing things for others in school and at home.
The year 8 pupils also gave an assembly on living in harmony with other generations, they focused on looking after the elderly in our community, valuing their grandparents and spending time with older generations.
The year 10 students created posters outlining the different themes throughout the week: